Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Last week was one of those weeks that will fill our hearts and minds with wonderful memories. It was a perfect week for Grandma Judy and Grandpa Ed (Strode). Our daughter, Michelle, and her family joined us in Denver for a week. We were able to take in lots of sights and sounds of Denver. It would be hard to choose our favorites. The nice part about the visit was that we were not rushed and we got in lots of hugging and visiting time with our wonderful daughter, her husband John, and our precious grand girls-Sara and Lori.

We managed to fit in a trip to the Denver Aquarium, the Children's Museum, a paddle boat ride, shopping, 2 ice cream stops, 5 playgrounds and some yummy Mexican food meals. John got in several "running" days. The girls had lots of play time. And the "mamas" got pedicures. All in all--a fabulous vacation week!!

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