Monday, January 18, 2010

Strode and Judy enjoyed a very nice weekend with good friends Pat and Charlotte Madden from Arizona! We managed to get in some Mexican Train, lots of football watching and , of course, we didn't miss a meal! The purpose for the Maddens trip was to spend time with a dear friend from Flagstaff who is receiving Hospice care. We were so pleased to be able to provide a place for Charlotte and Pat to sleep, eat and relax. We were able to catch up with all of their doings. We will look forward to seeing them again during the Super Bowl weekend in Phoenix. We are so blessed to have such good friends. They headed out very EARLY this morning hoping to stay ahead of the snow storm that is expected in northern Arizona later today.

1 comment:

  1. You all look great! i am so proud of you for keeping up on this! You are doing a great job!
